Just three years ago I was doing this same thing, going up the stairs to reprimand a child who was supposed to be napping. Then, my sweet daughter. Now, my well-natured son. But instead of napping, pounding. Thunderous, wall-knocking thudding. And me, attempting to think, trying to grab a moment of prayer or relaxation.
“No kicking!” I say with my sternest, loud voice, which can be scary, I think (at least it’s guilt-provoking to me).
Fussing follows. Frustration at being made to rest. Objection to the voice of authority.
We all have an urge to kick. We want to make some noise, push our limits, reject His voice.
Jesus spoke to Paul on the road to Damascus in blinding light, “It is hard for you to kick against the goads” (Acts 26:14). This was a common phrase in secular and Jewish writings and it referred to an ox (or other beast of burden) resisting the guidance of a master’s sharp stick.
So the question is, are you kicking against the goads? Are you lashing out against the guidance of the Lord?
How will we handle our urge to kick, that prideful, powerful desire to resist counsel? Will we listen to the Lord’s, “No kicking!” or will we continue the foot pounding?
It’s quiet now upstairs. The initial rebellion has died down. Little legs are still. Obedience is a sweet sound.
Just what I needed to hear today Sondra! I often have the urge to kick things down the road so I can see their results quicker but I’m learning how much can be experienced when I just rest.