When I read that pregnancy test for the first time, and it said positive, fear sent my pulse skittering through my throat. Life was in me, and there was only one way out. I’ve never be the same again. For a woman who doesn’t like the unknown or doesn’t like pain, the light at the end of the nine-month pregnancy tunnel was blindingly frightening.
But the anticipation wasn’t all fear. There was hope, and excitement, and promise–all wrapped up in my expanding waistline.
I can’t help but draw parallels to our spiritual lives. The promises of God are yes and amen in Christ, but some are still in pregnancy form (metaphorically speaking). We know they will hatch into reality in God’s fulfilling time.
We all go through seasons where our hearts are pregnant with dreams, our minds pregnant with ideas, and our spirits pregnant with the seed of God’s Word. And I even daresay that we are constantly in a time of pregnancy–in some sort of way–because God is a life-changer, life-beginner, and life-fulfiller.
But it’s not always easy when you feel the weight of what you carry. Sometimes almost, is as difficult as, no.
But almost means, soon. And almost means get ready.
I’m in this almost season right now (at first I typed write now). I’ve finished my first novel. I’ll be adding a fiction page to my website. I’m feeling pregnant with my writing. But I’m also feeling the almost of it. The not yet. The more-time-in-the-writing-incubator. Sometimes the birthing process is long and complicated.
Where are you, friend? Is there an almost in your life that is frustrating you? Are you ready to birth the things God has been growing in you?
Excellent article, friend! Feeling pregnant here, too! (Writing-wise)
Thanks, Janette.