Some think of peace like the serene waters of a lake. Gentleness they ache to achieve within. Still others think of peace as harmony, their circumstances at rest. A sense of balance they strive for.
How often do we fall into the worldly pursuit of peace? The peace of the world leaves us thirsty, empty, and seeking for more. It’s a peace that never satisfies.
Jesus promised a lasting peace–not as the world gives. But what does this mean? When my child is throwing-up, when my husband is depressed, when my job is frustrating, when a loved one receives a bad diagnosis, when terrorism strikes again….
What is this PEACE, really?
So what is PEACE, really? It’s of God. Not this world. Not our striving. Not even our understanding. Because this peace goes beyond what our minds can process. The peace God gives doesn’t always make sense to us. And that’s okay. You don’t need to understand it to know it.
The peace of God guards. It defends us. Strengthens us. It’s a warrior when anxiety attacks, stress mounts, and darkness smothers. This is no gentle peace. Contrary to our image of peace, it is not always cuddly and tame. The peace of God fights for us. Fights to keep from our minds and hearts the deceptions of this world, the lies that say “your life is falling apart. You’ve failed. There’s nothing you can do.”
And finally, the peace of God is in Christ Jesus. Not in emptying ourselves. Not in academic pursuit. Not in service or success.
In. Christ. Jesus.
Are you looking for peace today? Feeling abandoned by God?
Look no more. The peace of God in Christ Jesus says to your heart, “I have you. I won’t let go.”
You can trust that voice, even when you don’t understand it.
Hi Sondra,
Great insight on the true peace available in Christ! Thanks for the post.
I needed to hear about the peace of God today. I need His strength and power today, not His gentleness. This does give the peace which passes understanding. Thank you, Sondra.