Sometimes you read a passage of scripture and think, “What is the point of this?” So distant it is from your circumstances that it seems mundane, unimportant. I mean, my heart is broken for a friend who experienced a huge trauma and I choose to read a debate on Sabbath keeping from the Gospel of Mark instead of a gut-wrenching Psalm? How on earth does an argument on Sabbath speak to me?
Then I’m pierced with a verse.
“He [Jesus] looked around at them [Pharisees] in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.”
Jesus is furious at the brokenness of this world. Good. Finally. I need an angry Jesus this morning.
Because I’m angry.
Too many why’s. Too much stubbornness. Too many shriveled hands in this world and not enough ambassadors of grace saying, “Stretch out your hand.”
This is not how the world is supposed to be.
Jesus does good–saves a life–on the Sabbath and pharisees ignore the miracle, and instead plot to kill him. Kill the Grace that gave life? This world is so upside down. Tipped on its side and bleeding out. Who can stop the emptying to certain death?
“Stretch out your hand,” Jesus said to the hurting man.
And I cry back to Jesus, “Stretch out your hand and heal us, this world.”
Stretch out your hand and stop this bleeding.
And He did. Not only his hand, but his hands. Both his hands.
I need that this morning. Not just an angry Jesus, but a hand-stretched out, bleeding Jesus.
He knows pain. He knows. And that’s the comfort I need this morning. That he’s been there, broken.
Love you, Sondra. You speak to me, today in a special way. I did need to hear this. To be reminded of Jesus’ compassion during one of my “why” moments makes me ashamed of my questioning heart. Ours is a God of all Comfort, even when we can’t see the top side of the tapestry of our lives. The helpless pain for my friend leads me closer to the foot of the cross. Lord, help me to cling there to the tree where You stretched forth Your arms for my healing.
There’s no shame in asking why, Dawn. We all are. Today I’m encouraged to have faith on behalf of Amy, to help carry faith for her as part of the body of Christ.
May we all hold her up in this way, strengthen, encourage and STAY close. My heart was so encouraged when I learned that she has women friends who will come alongside her as she moves onward…Christian soldier. Love you!
Did you reAd psalm 22:1-21 I wrote about it Thursday. I believe there you will find the broken hurting Jesus! Bleeding and spilling out! He is there doing that for you, me, Amy, and Jesus did it for Amy’s Husband and for me and any other crushed person who will accept His sacrifice! But He give each of us the chance to choose! Freely! And He won’t come back until everyone has heard What He did for them and they get a Chance to choose! Psalm22:22-31 tells all about our victory! Even if we don’t see it or feel victorious we still have it if we accept Jesus and what He did for us ! We maybe broken hearted but we should have Jesus Peace the peace that passes understanding! The peace of knowing where your Going! And who loves you more than you can imagine and knows you better than anyone and still loves you! By you I include Amy, her husband , me, everyone! Like The Bible says comfort Ye My People! With the comfort Ye are comforted with! Weeping is for a night but joy comes in the morning! Let the Holy Spirit bring to your rememberance in the night as you morn hymns and songs that will ease your sorrow! and let Him help you put on the Garment of praise for the spirit of heaveness! Praise in the Spirit with the understanding Oh magnify The Lord !
I write this not to offend you or anyone! But because my heart wants so badly to comfort others! I have inherited my Heavenly Father’s eyes caring about what I see happening to others so i do battle and I pray ! I also inherited His Son Jesus heart towards others so I pray and try to comfort! Now pray the Holy Spirit will teach me how to speak like The Holy Spirit, to speak comfort to others and to pray on the behalf of others! Hugs to you Sondra and all those whose hearts are hurting!
Though you did not read a Psalm you wrote a Psalm. Often they start with the whys and the hurt and pain in end in triumph like what you wrote. Know that we are lifting you and Amy and her family and friends up in prayer. Love you.