George Washington’s October 3, 1789 Thanksgiving Day Proclamation. It’s unreadable, but I like seeing one of the documents that organized our national holiday. John Adams proclaimed Thanksgivings in 1798 and 1799, and James Madison in 1814 and 1815. Individual states celebrated Thanksgivings, but the holiday was not an annual national event until Abraham Lincoln’s October 3, 1863 proclamation that designated the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day.

From the Boston Public Library, entitled “Thanksgiving Day – Hanging Up the Musket.” I love that woman’s face. She’s thinking, “I wanted to decorate with those little corns, but he had to hang his gun.”

An invitation to a dinner at the JarvisUSA Hospital in Baltimore. This is from 1864, during the civil war. I bet that hospital was full. And check out that food listed. This is obviously in the north. That kind of abundance was not found in the south by this year of the war.

A Currier and Ives lithograph from 1867 entitled Home to Thanksgiving. I bet “home to Thanksgiving” was extra special those years right after the civil war.

An editorial cartoon entitled “Turkeymobile” reflecting the economic panic of 1907 and hoping for future prosperity.
Isn’t it fun to look at pictures from our country’s past? These were found on Wikimedia commons.
Today, although I won’t be with extended family, I am thankful that all my basic needs are met. A beautiful blue sky is laid out above us and that special Thanksgiving feeling of rest and praise has settled in our house. We are wearing beaded necklaces made by our five-year-old daughter, and we will soon head to church to celebrate God’s goodness.
Happy Thanksgiving!