This morning the woods are shrouded with fog. Not a dense, harsh, blind-your-eyes fog, but a hugging fog. An I-love-you fog that wraps around you and makes you yearn to stay safe and hidden in it for hours and days. Makes you yearn for more of beauty and truth and grace.
Advent is the season of yearning. We recognize in ourselves the incompleteness of our contentment. Yes, there is the Christ Child, and we love him and are satisfied by his presence in our life.
But contentment is a now-and-not-yet phenomenon. As content as we are, that contentment waits for eternity to be sealed in us.
So we yearn, which is good. Yearning is a component for a healthy life. Exercise for the heart. When I yearn, I acknowledge that something is not right with the world, and that yearning becomes a prayer that God would make it right. Yearning can be the stirring of God in our very souls that makes us press more into him.
Today I want to share with you a few musical offerings that encapsulate this yearning. For me, music is yearning. They are innately joined, synonymous.
Feel free to yearn along with the music.
The Mission / How Great Thou Art
Oh Sondra, this is a stunning, heart-filling piece of writing. Our little corner of the world is mist-filled today too (oh! Scratch that– I just looked outside… it’s turned to snow!) and I feel that same safety and yearning in it. He truly has set eternity in the hearts of Man, and to feel that longing for it and safety in the promise is such a gift… and so present in your words. Thank you for sharing them today– I’m going to pass this beautiful post along. What a gift you are!
Thank you for beautiful thought to ponder!
Thank you for the thought provoking thoughts and the hauntingly beautiful music. Love you
Though my heart may be shrouded and vailed;
Though the world may not seem right;
I will not fear for I know your love Jesus never fails!
Your nearness gives me blessed assurance and peace that brings me through the stormiest night!
God of wonder power and might the whole earth is full of your Glory!
I hear the angel sing the sweet lullaby song Of Your Son Emanuel and His story!
Of saving grace,Of love that will not let me Go,
Of His taking my place and paying a debt He did not owe ! that I may be cleansed of my sins and made whiter than Snow!