Comments on: Crawling toward the Manger: Day 17 Trails of Love and Grace Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:23:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marci Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:23:48 +0000 Thanks Sondra for this post. It went right along with the Scripture I read this morning (amazing how God does that:) The Scripture was about Simeon and how God promised him that he would see the Savior before he died. I wonder how often he had prayed about that and then watched as the Romans oppress the Jews more. How often did he cling to that promise when he could see no evidence of it. Yet he had the trust you were talking about and God Who is faithful always gave him the desire of his heart. Praise God!

By: lorna2014 Tue, 16 Dec 2014 19:03:35 +0000 On the whole, I have understood much about the social/cultural ‘out-of-wedlock’ ramifications of those times; but today I was hugely struck, for the first time, by Mary’s decision to ‘let it be done to me….’ in the face of such dire consequences, and that our great, glorious God prevailed above all, when I read:

“Do you ever wonder if Mary’s life was endangered by her out-of-wedlock pregnancy? Did the town of Nazareth mob around her, ready to cast stones? They would have been right to do so, by Mosaic Law.”

So much of today’s post has been wonderful to read in the literary sense. Thanks Sondra…for a fresh, awesome message!
