I have many friends who are carrying boulder-sized burdens. One such friend is dear Amy, a young woman who lost her husband last summer and is now raising their elementary aged boys on her own. Everyday her Facebook posts witness that she is doing the hard work of grieving. Recently, she wrote exactly what I needed to hear:
“I cannot get over how much our Jesus crammed into John 15. You want a fruitful life? You want to glorify God? You want wisdom in prayer? You want your Joy made Full? It’s ALL in there. Your whole life calling is in John 15. Reduce it down: Abide in Jesus. Spend as much time at His feet listening as you possibly can. Which means ditch a lot of internet, TV, and blogs. There isn’t enough time to view all that AND sit at His feet and listen. The fruit of the Spirit is gained by praying: “Jesus, be my love, my joy, my peace, my patience.” You want to be a good wife / mother / sister / friend? Don’t make to do lists you know will make you despair, because you can’t accomplish them. Go sit with Jesus. “Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10) Pastor and theologian John Owen lost 10 children and survived his wife. How does such a man function? Abiding. He had no other distractions for coping–he only had Jesus.”
Thank you, Amy for clinging to Jesus and helping us to cling as well. Thank you for letting us journey this dark path with you.
Such wisdom! I’m going to go read John 15!
This morning when reading Matthew Henery’s Commentary on John 15, this stood out to me…
Whatever excellency there is in any creature, serviceable to man, it is but a shadow of that grace which is in Christ for his people’s good.
Reminded me of john 1:16-17
For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ