Comments on: Chase Me Trails of Love and Grace Sun, 08 Dec 2013 12:04:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dawn Vander Galien Sun, 08 Dec 2013 12:04:13 +0000 This brings tears to my eyes. I can’t hold them in, yet I don,’t want a blotchy,, swollen face for church. I always regret the times that my feet have seemed too heavy to push me on. So many times I’ ‘ve felt that slow motion, feet two sizes too big feeling that the cares of the world have pushed in front of me . The fatigue of life’s stresses have kept me often from entering the pursuit.
I wish that I had chased my little boys more. My husband more. So that they would always feel that they were WORTH pursuing.
Because it is about how we are valued. Have I conveyed this to them? Do they know that even after so many years, my heart aches with tenderness toward them? Do they have an inkling that I love them so much that I long to race after them until I’m breathless. They are still the gems that I reach out to scoop up.

I cry because God DOES chase me. He loves me and values me because I am His own. There is no other reason. I have nothing to bring. I’m only a muddy, jagged stone. Oh Father, I want to chase you without stumbling over all of the clutter in my life. Help me to keep my focus on you, not on your blessings. Let me catch you fully in my arms and heart.
