We are a people who love closure. We long for completion. Beginnings and ends mark our lives. The sun rises every day and we watch for its setting, knowing always the end of day will come. The passage of time is measured by the continuous tick of the clock, apart from our control, but isn't this a ... read more
Picking Your Life Up Off the Floor
It was the end of a long day in which frustrating events had strung together like beads on a necklace, an ugly mismatched necklace I'd only be wearing in a fashion nightmare. We were having cereal for dinner. In the midst of sternly voicing frustration over something child-related, I spilled the ... read more
The Urge to Kick
Just three years ago I was doing this same thing, going up the stairs to reprimand a child who was supposed to be napping. Then, my sweet daughter. Now, my well-natured son. But instead of napping, pounding. Thunderous, wall-knocking thudding. And me, attempting to think, trying to grab a moment of ... read more
Weed Therapy
I usually don't wear gloves when I weed. I prefer to get my hands dirty. I like to slip my fingers sub-terrain and work them along the highways of root systems. And those highways are complex, starting on one side of my flower bed and ending on the other. Sometimes I'm a lazy weeder and pull quickly ... read more
A Few Thoughts on Beauty
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14 Just like you, I like beautiful things. Sunrises, flowers, songs, mountains, words of affection. ... read more
Get on the Altar
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-- this is your spiritual act of worship." Romans 12:1 No one is forcing you up on the altar. That's the problem with the Christian faith. It's a choice. You were invited to ... read more
Aging in Years, Not in Spirit
Remember how exciting it was to get older? For those of us who had older siblings, we eagerly awaited when we could do what they do, stay up as late as they did. You looked forward to turning 16 and getting your driver’s license. You looked forward to voting at 18. You waited expectantly for your ... read more